Friday, June 13, 2008

Just woke up

Its going to be a therapeutic exercise I am told, this "Blogging". I recently woke up from a coma after an accident down Texas way some years ago. You see in southeast Texas I have kin and one of the things that my cousins (whom we affectionately refer to as the Country Slaghooples) love to do is play this game. Now i don't recall the name of the game nor do i remember the object or even the purpose of the game but i do remember how it's played.

First you go out and pick the biggest watermelon you can find. Now it has to be ripe or else the game is no fun at all. The next game piece is a raw egg. It cant be hard boiled (Mason Slaghoople III one of me cousins switched out the game egg once with a "hardie". That was back in '88. he was banned from play for 3 years after.) Then you get two bed sheets. The amount of people that will be playing will determine the sheet sizes (although every match i have watched its always a big bunch of folks so its almost always king size sheets). The cousins number off from one to whatever and its the evens against the odds. Each team takes up a sheet and the grip the edges kind of like making a safety net you would catch people in if they jumped out of a burning building. The referee blows a whistle and tosses the huge fruit into the center of one sheet and the raw egg in the other team's sheet. Each team basically plays Hot Potato launching one item whilst catching the incoming item. three broken eggs or a fractured melon and the offending team loses. I have seen matches last one toss then i have seen matches last for hours. Its no joke down East Texas way.

Anyways back in '90 i was rooting on the gang as they played and a freak melon toss landed squarely on my head before i could move out of the way. The watermelon lodged on my head and i was wearing this thing like its a full faced motor bike helmet. Well my last memories that day were seeing a flash of red with tiny black seeds.
I woke up15 years later into a world I was not ready for. And now I am learning and re-learning nearly everything. True story. I am Blogging these experiences as a record for whoever wants to take the time to listen. Or read.