Monday, June 16, 2008

Something I can't believe!

Alex Jones has a radio show.
If you never heard of Al Jones then you might be surprised when you stumble across his philosophy. I used to hear him on obscure shortwave frequencies but now he is on regular AM stations. He has a few websites which you can find if you look for them. I'll not name them because i don't want to lend and credence to his causes. I was surprised to learn his age to be only 34. His voice is extremely rough and to listen to him on the radio he sounds like an elderly man who has smoked most of his life. I have heard him many times on the radio spewing his anti-america rants like a an out of control child who doesn't want to eat his greens or go to bed at bed time. Among the many accusations he throws out are allegations that the President has gay prostitutes that come to the White House, that our Government is building concentration camps for u.s. citizens to be shipped off to in the near future, any wack conspiracy you can think of and ones you could never imagine. Plus the old standby conspiracies of the Freemasons and the Illuminati (Whoever they are) that they are gonna take over the world and kill 80% of the WORLD'S population. For what I am never sure, he is never clear on that.
He also makes little movies using various archived pieces of footage of calamities around the world which i guess is supposed to be a scare tactic. He also has gone to certain events and political meetings and tried to "cover" them as if he were a reporter and when Security tries to shoo him away he makes sure to film it and purport it to be harassment and an obstruction of his First Amendment Rights. He gets arrested or detained on purpose to beef up his conspiracy claims, in my opinion. Its all classic 60's hippie stuff repackaged for our time. I cant figure out his motives other than relevance. Like some sort of massive need to be relevant and accepted... maybe he craves noteriety.
I guess he makes some cash on movies or through supporters. It seems if he was so upset that our nation is in the toilet he would run for office and change things. I read that he did run for a local seat but that he dropped out. I guess it takes all kinds to make up the Internet but old Al crosses the line in my opinion. Sorry to get so political here, but I CANT BELIEVE this guy. What is it with guys named Al??