Monday, August 11, 2008

A Somber Moment

Dear Biscuits,

I just got home and saw on the news that Isaac Hayes has died. At 65 he apparently died Sunday but i was so sick i was in bed all day (more on that later). Learning of Hayes' death really made me sit down and think. We lost Bernie Mac on Saturday! This 2008 has seen the deaths of many of our great performers and well known people. And many of them seem to have died rather young considering today's medicines and life expectancy trends. I have decided to use this post to make a list of the many well knowns who have died in 08. . . not to be morbid but just as an homage from a regular guy who writes a silly blog that all of maybe 4or 5 people read/have read. I mourned for each of these peeps some to a higher degree than others but mourned them nonetheless and i cant help but wonder who and how many more might go before 2009 arrives. This list is not exhaustive but only the ones i remember from jotting a note about in my personal journal;
Lost to us in 2008 (to date)

Arthur C. Clark- invented the communications satellite, among other things.
Bernie Mac- Actor comedian
Bo Didley- Musical innovator to say the least.
Tim Russert- Host of Meet the Press , by all accounts one of the nicest, and fairest news personalities out there.
Tony Snow- Withe House Press Secretary/news personality
Charleton Heston- What can you say? MEga-Star, one of my favorites, Spokesman for the NRA.
Estelle Getty- A Golden Girl
Eddy Arnold- WWII Vet and Hero, singer , actor
George Carlin- Again, what can i say here? Mega comedian, philosopher, performer. I loved this guy. Didnt always agree with all his views, but he made me think.
Harvey Korman- Comedian actor
Heath Ledger- A sad loss for Hollywood; great acting career and was on the rise
Isaac Hayes- Another Musical Monster/Innovator and actor
Ivon Dixon- One of my favorite Heroes on Hogans Heroes. Played Sgt. Kinch
Jeff Healy- 1989 brought his "Angel Eyes" to the top of the charts. Singer guitar player, front man for the Jeff Healy Band. Blind since the age of 1 he began playing guitar at age 3. He was special to watch.
Roy Scheider- Probably most popular as the sheriff who tried to save everyone in the JAWS movies.
Sydney Pollack- Actor (Ghostbusters) director and Producer

Surely i have missed some but these are the ones i happened to take note of. I will get into the Health issue i alluded to earlier next time. For now just think of these folks and all the personal family and friends of your own and please Biscuits, hug your loved ones. Life is too short.

1 comment:

Misty Beethoven said...

It seems like all the best ones get taken away from us.
Life is fleeting, love deeply.
Love to you, Honey Bear, Boo Bear and all the other bears.
Can't wait to visit the 3 bears!